$7.2 Billion
Induced and indirect impact on the economic output on the State of Oklahoma from both construction and operations is estimated to equal just over $2.2 billion annually, giving a total economic impact of $7.2 billion from annual operations and construction. Of that, 60 percent occurred in rural areas.
Learn more about the economic impact of Oklahoma Tribal Government Gaming READ THE 2016 ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT
Just have time for the short version? READ THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Save The Date

2025 OIGA Conference and Trade Show
Monday, July 14 – Wednesday, July 16
in Oklahoma City

Welcome to the Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association

Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association (OIGA), established in 1986, is a non-profit organization of Indian Nations with other non-voting associate members representing organizations, tribes and businesses engaged in tribal gaming enterprises from around Oklahoma. The common commitment and purpose of OIGA is to advance the welfare of Indian peoples ­ economically, socially and politically.

The mission of the Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association is to promote the general welfare of the Oklahoma Indian Tribes through the development of sound policies and practices with respect to the conduct of gaming enterprises in Indian Country. As a trade association, the purpose of OIGA is to educate and disseminate information to the tribal, federal, and state governments and the general public on issues relating to tribal government gaming.

Learn more about OIGA

Oklahoma Tribal Government Gaming Economic Impact Report


Tribal Gaming is great for Oklahoma, especially our rural communities.

Read the entire 2016 Annual Impact Report.


Just want the facts?

Read the 2016 Executive Summary.


Tribal Gaming is great for Oklahoma, especially our rural communities.

Read the entire 2015 Annual Impact Report.


Just want the facts?

Read the 2015 Executive Summary.

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